Professional Training
Intensive Professional Training for the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Compulsive Eating Disorders at The OCD Clinic®.
Intensive training is available for qualified professional clinicians and clinical teams that will allow them to develop their skills and to learn and immerse themselves in the specific clinical protocols used at The OCD Clinic®.
Whether you want to focus on specific aspects of OCD or want expert training in treating this resistant disorder we can tailor-make a training package to suit your needs.
We also provide ongoing coaching and supervision in the model as clinicians engage with and implement the model into their daily practice.
What you can expect from our expert training:
- Highest quality training, grounded in the observation of successfully treated cases. Through this video based and live observation model we will offer an analysis of OCD in all of its forms
- Planning: Learning how to plan a complete treatment for OCD
- Learning-by-doing: Each participant will be offered the opportunity through tested training processes to experience the use of the model for themselves
- Evaluation: Evaluation and supervision of ongoing cases
- Monitoring: We constantly monitor the training process, paying very close attention to feedback for “fine-tuning” of our programmes

Teaching Structure and Learning Outcomes
Training is specifically divided into three areas, direct teaching, learning through active experience and through the live observation of treated cases. Each day will be divided in this way.
Trainings usually begin with an Introduction to the History and The Evolution the model at this point we usually introduce participants to the theoretical and epistemological foundations of The OCD Clinic® approach: cybernetics and the systemic revolution, constructivism, the pragmatics of communication, hypnosis without trance and strategic communication.
Participants will introduced to:
- Strategic Logic and the non-ordinary logics of OCD
- The construct of the attempted solution
- Introduction to the stratagems required to manage treatment resistance in OCD
- The principal operative, practical instrument of our Model: The Perceptive-Reactive-System and the attempted solutions of OCD
- Understanding the different phases of treatment of obsessive and compulsive disorders
- Introduction to The Strategic Dialogue: Learn the difference between the conventional clinical diagnostic interview the Strategic Diagnostic Interventive interview process. The essential components of this operative-diagnostic interview are the orientation towards change: the techniques employed, the relationship required and language used. Understanding the principal techniques of persuasive communication and the use of:
- Question with illusion of alternatives
- Reframing paraphrasing process
- The art of rhetoric
- Recap so as to redefine
General areas covered in training for the treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (although we will tailor-make where necessary):
Obsessive Fixations
Phenomenology, attempted solutions and perceptive-reactive system of obsessive disorders. The treatment protocol of obsessive fixations.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Phenomenology, attempted solutions and perceptive-reactive system of obsessive-compulsive disorders. The treatment protocol of obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Indirect Therapy
Interventions with families of patients with OCD either directly or indirectly. This includes the understanding of our main Family Models: their rules, communication patterns and change strategies we can adopt with them.
Social Phobia and Health Anxiety
The intervention, communication and strategies to create change in in social phobia and paranoia.
Bulimia and Binge Eating and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Learn the use of the paradoxical diet and the principal attempted solutions in these Eating Disorders. The treatment protocol of Bulimia and Binge Eating and self-harm.
Vomiting Disorder
In this training the participants can learn direct and indirect therapy techniques and protocols for interventions with the family and the patient. Understanding the logic and treatment for pleasure-based compulsions and the treatment protocol for Vomiting Syndrome.
Requests for training should be sent to the Clinical Director at or click here for further contact information.